We provide users of our platform access to a community of people who can help meet their urgent needs with advice or even technical and material support.
Primarily, we focus on the needs of the front and the provision of military needs with the help of a volunteer community. Through our platform, you can specify what you need, find volunteers specializing in the topics you need, and raise funds to address your problem. We ensure that the funds are collected and spent specifically for the stated purpose, or if it's not possible to meet the specified need, they are returned to the donors' accounts.
To join our community, you need to install the TREBA mobile app on your phone and register. After that, you can play one of three roles: a person who needs to meet a specific need (for example, buy some equipment), a volunteer who can physically purchase and deliver the required equipment, or a donor who can financially assist in the purchase of this equipment. Additionally, everyone has the opportunity to offer an alternative solution to a particular issue in the comments if they believe they know a more effective solution to this problem.
Download the app to create, discuss, and support the needs of other participants.
You can also offer your services to meet the needs of other users.